How to apply for recovery Visa of New Zealand

How to apply for recovery Visa of New Zealand is a beautiful country with breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and friendly people. However, unexpected situations can happen to anyone, including visitors and foreign workers. If you find yourself in a difficult situation that prevents you from leaving the country at the end of your visa or work permit, don’t worry! New Zealand offers a recovery visa for those who need to extend their stay due to unforeseen circumstances. In this blog post, we will guide you step-by-step on how to apply for a recovery visa in New Zealand and also highlight its benefits. So let’s get started!

How to apply for recovery Visa of New Zealand

What is a recovery visa?

A recovery visa is a type of temporary visa that allows individuals who are unable to leave New Zealand due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, injury, or natural disasters. This visa enables the holder to stay in the country legally until they can safely return home.

Unlike other types of visas in New Zealand, applying for a recovery visa does not require you to meet specific skills or qualifications. It’s designed solely for those who need extra time to make arrangements before leaving the country.

However, it’s important to note that a recovery visa is only granted on humanitarian grounds and not for any other reason. Therefore, your application must demonstrate clearly why you cannot leave and provide evidence of your situation.

If approved, the recovery visa may be valid up to six months or until you’re able to depart from New Zealand. Once issued, this temporary document grants full working rights and access government-funded healthcare services if necessary.

Getting a recovery visa can be an excellent solution when facing unexpected challenges while abroad in New Zealand.

How to apply for a recovery visa in New Zealand

Applying for a recovery visa in New Zealand is an important process that requires careful attention to detail. The first step in applying for this type of visa is to determine your eligibility. Recovery visas are only available to individuals who have suffered physical or emotional harm while living in New Zealand and can show evidence of such harm.

Once you have established your eligibility, the next step is to gather all necessary documents before completing the application form. You will need a copy of your passport, evidence of the harm you have suffered, proof that you are unable to leave New Zealand due to this harm and other supporting documents.

It’s important to note that incomplete applications may result in delays or even rejection. Therefore, ensure that you provide all required information correctly and accurately on the application form.

After submitting your application online or via post, it may take several weeks or months for Immigration New Zealand (INZ) officials to review it. During this time, they may request additional documentation if needed.

Obtaining a recovery visa can be challenging but worth pursuing if you meet the eligibility criteria and follow through with accurate documentation when applying.

What are the requirements for a recovery visa in New Zealand?

To apply for a recovery visa in New Zealand, certain requirements must be met. The most important requirement is that the applicant must have been in New Zealand when the COVID-19 lockdown was announced and their temporary visa or work visa has expired or is about to expire.

The applicant must also demonstrate that they are unable to leave New Zealand due to reasons beyond their control such as travel restrictions or limited flights. Furthermore, applicants need to prove that they have a genuine intention of leaving the country once it becomes possible.

Applicants will also need to show evidence of sufficient funds for living expenses during their stay in New Zealand and provide proof of adequate health insurance coverage.

In addition, applicants must not pose a risk to public health and safety and should not have any criminal convictions or pending charges against them.

Meeting all these requirements can increase your chances of obtaining a recovery visa which allows you to legally stay in New Zealand until it is safe for you to return home.

What are the benefits of having a recovery visa in New Zealand?

A recovery visa in New Zealand is a temporary visa that allows you to stay in the country for up to six months while you recover from an illness or injury. This type of visa can be extremely beneficial for those who need medical treatment but are unable to return home immediately.

One of the main benefits of having a recovery visa in New Zealand is access to high-quality healthcare. New Zealand has a world-class healthcare system, and if you have a recovery visa, you will be able to receive medical treatment without worrying about the high costs associated with it.

Another benefit of having a recovery visa in New Zealand is the opportunity to explore this beautiful country. With stunning natural landscapes and vibrant cities, there is no shortage of things to see and do here. And since your recovery time may limit your ability to work or engage in strenuous activities, taking some time out for leisurely pursuits can help make your stay more enjoyable.

Having a recovery visa also provides peace of mind knowing that you won’t face any legal issues during your stay. As long as you adhere to the conditions outlined by Immigration New Zealand, such as not working while on the visa, everything should go smoothly.

In summary, obtaining a recovery visa in New Zealand comes with numerous benefits including access to top-notch healthcare services without worrying about costs; exploring all that this amazing country has offer; and enjoying peace of mind knowing that there aren’t any legal issues looming over your head while recovering from illness or injury.

How to apply for recovery Visa of New Zealand


Obtaining a recovery visa in New Zealand is an essential step for those who have suffered from unexpected circumstances.

Remember that applying for a recovery visa requires careful attention to detail. Make sure to meet all the requirements before submitting your application and provide all the necessary documentation.

By following these simple steps outlined above, you’ll be on your way towards obtaining a recovery visa in no time. We hope this guide has been helpful to you as you navigate through this process!

Always keep in mind that if you’re experiencing any difficulties or doubts during the application process, don’t hesitate to seek help from professionals such as immigration advisors or lawyers. They can guide you through every step of the way and ensure that your application is successful.

We wish everyone who is going through difficult times a speedy recovery and success with their applications!

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